Chick Chat Podcast on iTunes NOW!
Hey Chicks! We have heard from women we know and women that we don’t that having a sister and a best friend you can talk to often is such a blessing. We know first hand, that we can’t do this “Life” thing alone, many of us have sisters and speak daily. To listen in on our phone calls, aka Chick Chat, look up Chicks And Salsa on iTunes for our podcasts where we discuss a variety of things from dieting, parenting, and what is trending.

Have a topic? Let us know!
How do I find a Podcast on my iPhone

If you have not yet discovered podcasts, they are a game changer and a real way to learn on the go. I listen to them in the gym and in the car. I have learned so much about blogging, and also listened to podcasts for kids (please check out Brains On!, a science channel for kids).
For iPhone users its easy, swipe right on your home screen and search for Podcasts. Then type in Chicks And Salsa and our channel should pop right up.

Please check it out, let us know what you think!
Your Chicks And Salsa Team XOXO